One of my favorite parts of the holidays is when they're over :)
Not to say that I don't love Christmas as much as any one else, I just REALLY enjoy getting it all put away. I LOVE when the house is just naked and ready to be decorated again :) Once all of the glitter and glam of Christmas is gone, I really enjoy the clean feeling of wintry decor.
I decorate with the seasons. I know it sounds silly I'm sure, but I'm a RESTLESS kinda gal. I get just SICK of any one kind of decor just as it's time to change it up :) I have them to where they sort of flow together, color wise, and different things can be used in multiple seasons, so it doesn't get expensive.
So this weekend I was putting away my Christmas stuff and getting out the winter stuff, and as happens with EVERY season/decor change, I completely draw a BLANK as to where I want to put anything lol.
I went back to my pictures from last year for some inspiration and thought I would share :)

My winter 2011 mantel :) I use snowy pictures, lots of pine cones, and nature inspired elements. I use lots of white and blues and browns in the color scheme.

I LOVE this wreath I made last year. The tutorial is
here. Later on this month I'll be sharing how I altered it to fit into a not-exactly-traditional Valentine's Decor, I just LOVE it!

I use LOTS of pictures ;)

I have this wall that faces the front door and I wanted to do something fun with it. Plus I had a LOT of frames I got for Christmas that year that BEGGED to be put up. So I came up with this lovely arrangement :)

It's not totally perfect but once I reached an average of about 4 holes per pictures trying to GET it perfect, I decided it was just fine ;) I switch the the photos out with the decor and it's a fun way of watching the kids get older. I LOVE using subway art in the top photo as a little something fun :) I wish I could remember where I got this one because it's one of the few I've seen for January, but this was back in the dark days before Pinterest so I just downloaded it :-/
So this weekend I got all of the Christmas stuff put away and this week I'll be decorating for winter :) Hopefully I'll get a post up of it sooner than later ;)
Hope you all are having a WONDERFUL new year!
Once I got Christmas down I was glad to see it go. I left the pinecone garland up and the non Christmasy trees on the hutch for winter. I laughed at 'dark days before pinterest' so true!
I love that you left those awesome trees up! I'm totally thinking of doing some similar to yours for my wintry decor :) Ya know ... once I'm done with Christmas gifts ;) Hmmm maybe they will be BEACH related trees LOL
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