
December 9, 2012

Weekend Catch Up

We had a fun old fashioned family Christmas weekend and I loved it :) Friday night we started with a Christmas movie night! We had home made hot chocolate, cookies, and watched The Santa Claus.  It was fun to cuddle on the couch and watch it with the girls :)
Saturday we started out EARLY with the arrival of Marshmallow ;-) but we didn't really get going until around 11 when I decided to take the girls shopping.  They made their lists of people they wanted to get gifts for, finalized their budgets, decided what to buy/make for each person, and then made a list of what they needed from the stores.  Busy morning!!  We went to the dollar store, and then to lunch :)  Then we hit up Walmart and oh my word ... it was crazy town.  I only went there because I forgot to pick up my photos the day before ;-)  Now when we got there at 1:00 they were backed up so we did our shopping and came back, they were STILL backed up.  We went and paid for our stuff, came back, and they were STILL backed up.  This time we stayed because they lady said my stuff was "almost done" ... an HOUR LATER ... they FINALLY printed.  I got 2 extra 8x10s out of it though so ya know ;-)

The girls did SO WELL the whole time, like REALLY REALLY WELL. I love being with them so much, they are SO funny and so fun to be around! We just had the best time :)
Now yesterday Marshmallow and I celebrated her arrival with a glass of wine but last night she didn't even want to share!!  I told her Sharing is CARING, Marshmallow!!  but she wouldn't hear of it!
The girls woke up to this though ;-) And I'm concerned about how a bottle of syrup is going to do following a bottle of wine for poor Marshmallow ;-)
Today we spent the day crafting and doing Christmasy stuff :) I made this pretty burlap and lace table runner!
And my middle girl made these ADORABLE Harry Potter pillows for my oldest :) They are the CUTEST THINGS!! I'll be posting a tutorial soon!  They are so easy and made of felt, cream colored fabric, and Wonder Under! SHE IS GOING TO FLIP!

It's been such a great weekend but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't ready for school tomorrow ;-) SO MUCH TO GET DONE STILL!


  1. I had to laugh as I call our shopping centers right now crazy town. Must be why I love online shopping so much! Sounds like a fun weekend. Hope you get the chance to drop by I am having a few giveaways right now. Visiting from @

  2. Oh those are cute! She did a great job. I'm sure you were a lot of help. :)


So I saw this tutorial on commenting, and it said "DO IT" ... thank you :) LOL